HERE IS HOW WE USED INSTAGRAM REELS TO GET 205,000 Views and 7,000 LIKES on a 2,300 Followers Account
Instagram Reels are neglected by a lot of people. Especially those growing Viral Instagram Pages, if you’re building your Instagram account here is a tip to use with Instagram Reels.
Gather a list of pages in your niche, Let’s say those with 10,000 Followers and above, if they have grown that far they know exactly what to do. what you need to do is analyze your competitors pages.
Get a link or list of their viral videos on Instagram Reels, Reels is the new Tiktok on Instragram, easier to start going Viral there tho it takes time.
After gathering a bunch of videos from your competitors reels, take few out, and create something similar.
Engage with comments and like comments.
Keep doing this while using a Killer thumbnail and bad ass set of hashtags and watch your Reels slowly build up, the image below is from a 2k Repost page but this works both ways.
I’ve used same method on normal posts and IG as well as IG Stories in the past 3-4 years, it takes a bit of time but it works with consistency and patience
i hope this helped someone out